Thursday 7 February 2013

Sponsor Me

Please sponsor me before Sunday, February, 10, 2013.
I will be skating on the canal to raise money to fight AIDS in Africa.
It is with my Dads work, please donate here!

All across the continent of Africa, communities are facing the challenge of HIV. When HIV&AIDS affects an individual, entire families can become vulnerable.
Every where you turn, there are committed community members who are doing their part - giving care and support to people living with AIDS, providing for orphans and spreading awareness.

If you work at WUSC then please comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Great work on your blog, Fin! I love all your posts so far. I'm so excited to hear that you're doing this skate. These causes are obviously very important to your family and I also have connections to them. When I was in university, I was part of WUSC, and I had two friends who we sponsored to attend our university. They started their educational careers in refugee camps in Africa. I learned a lot from them. Also, when I worked in Lesotho, I worked with a lot of families that had been touched by HIV/AIDS. What a great thing you're doing!

    1. Shauna,
      Thank you very much!
      It's so cool that you worked at WUSC.

  2. Two other quick things: great job with your labels, I can teach you how to put them on the right hand side of your blog for easy navigation; and I can help you get rid of the "show word verification on comments" so people don't have to type in those weird characters when they want to comment on your blog!

  3. Hi! I'm Krista and i work with your Dad!
    I wanted to congratulate you on your wonderful blog, very can probably teach me how to do this i'm sure.
    See you on sunday, i will be the one with skates on! :)
    Great work Finley !

  4. Hi Finley!
    I work at WUSC and I'll be there on Sunday too!
    It's great that you're taking part in this and blogging about it. It's a really good way to spread the word. So I'll see you on Sunday!

  5. I really like your Blog Fin!!
