Saturday, 9 February 2013

Stop Sharks Being Killed

Stop Sharks being killed.
Every year about 100 million Sharks are killed.

  • Shark fins for thousands of dollars soup
  • Shark teeth for jewelry
  • Shark Jaws for tourist souvenirs
  • Shark Skin for leather wallets/belts
  • Shark cartilage capsules and powders for phony medical cures
  • Shark liver oil for cosmetics/skincare products  
Did you know that people go line fishing for shark fins, then they cut off their fins and just throw them back into the Ocean!
Since Sharks can not swim without fins, they drown.
Doesn't that make you angry!
I can understand how cavemen killed mammoths, because they used the whole thing, but when we only use the fins we are wasting lots.

The Sea Shepard is a great campaign that is against Shark Finning.
Basically they go around in their boat and when they find someone Shark Finning they do whatever it takes to stop them.

They made a Movie called Shark Water I highly recommend it, it made me cry and get so angry at the people who were Shark Finning, I said to myself why do they do that? Then I remembered that Shark Fins are Thousands of Dollars, so I think that they do it for the money.

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